Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Writing Essays on Controversial Topics

Writing Essays on Controversial TopicsThere are many writers and students who struggle with writing essay topics that are controversial. How do you create a topic that is provocative, yet not upsetting?The trick to essay topics that are controversial is to start with something that the writer already has a feeling about. If you have an opinion about a topic, you have an opinion about it already. You don't have to convince anyone else, you already believe what you're saying. Take the time to figure out what your strong points are, and then write about them.Another way to write about controversial issues is to research the problem areas yourself. Researching certain areas that you're interested in will give you perspective and make you realize how your opinions are really shaped by those issues. You'll be surprised how easy it is to realize that something is actually important to someone.If you were to get involved in an issue that was controversial, do your best to state your opinion honestly. This will help you express why you believe the way you do and demonstrate that you can think objectively. Do your best to provide rational arguments for why you have your point of view.Remember, writing an essay on a controversial topic is not your responsibility. It's an essay topic that you were assigned by a professor or teacher. The teacher was looking for something different from the normal usual and you were asked to come up with something new and different. They didn't expect you to win all the time, but they expected you to at least try, and I hope you did.When I'm given a controversial issue to write about, I usually approach it as a challenge. What I like to do is pick a situation that I know a lot about and write about it. I may even write more than one piece if there is enough controversy.One of the advantages to writing a piece like this is that you can see all sides of the issue, because you wrote about it. In other words, you can present both sides of the ar gument and let readers draw their own conclusions. This allows you to take a position that doesn't necessarily mean you're always right, but at least shows that you have researched the topic.Finally, keep in mind that it's okay to disagree with a professor about controversial issues, but always stay positive. You are allowed to be critical, but always stand up for what you believe in.

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